Thursday, April 9, 2015
Did Democrats REFORM That Much?
The Democrats will never see another "Great Commoner"like William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska who they nominated in 1896, 1900, and 1908. Beginning with Bryan in 1900 to the infamous Woodrow Wilson 1920 depression. The Democrats were a nasty sounding "Progressive Movement" from 1900 to 1920 culminating with "Universal Slavery by Income Tax" and other items. Somehow the 1920s roared anyway until 1932 when that came to a screeching halt. At this time came the man who would not go away, FDR. He had a lot of change in mind when he wanted 15 on the Supreme Court instead of 9, assuring him a constant 8-7 majority since FDR would have hand-picked the additional 6. FDR's policies even involved small business when two brothers were accused of breaking the law for selling live chickens!
For over four decades,the Democrats controlled the lower house of the United States Congress in the House of Representatives from 1930 until 1994, and the U.S. Senate for most of that same period. This was a training period for the Republicans who were trained to "go along and get along" or be denied even "crumbs" of legislation. Democrats were electing the Speaker of the House and the Representatives' majority leaders/committee chairs along with the upper house of the Senate's majority leaders and committee chairmen.
As pitiful as the Republicans were, they elected Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 which prevented total annilation, devastation, and control while scruples were evident in the country.
It is said that LBJ took care of the scruples. Soon came the VietNam War that required Nixon to shoulder the blame for Democrats defunding and ending the war with a loss. Saigon quickly fell. VietNamese who had helped America were promptly sent to re-education camps or shot when many could not escape.
Later Nixon tried price controls as he went "FDR" and tried to please the Democrats who soon hounded him out of office with Watergate which was a Democrat scandal papered over with a Republican scandal. Nixon was too noble to fight one scandal with another, especially since the Democrats lined up their lapdog media with 24/7 Nixon is evil... Watergate! Watergate!
Most people were confused about Gerald Ford but he had moved up from the Senate when Democrats took out the VP causing Gerald Ford to advance.
Democrats have been poor examples in politics to blacks because 1) Democrats seem to like their votes but dislike the payback of cabinet positions.2) Democrats frequently disregard the rules, procedures and protocols which influences blacks to disregard the rules, procedures and protocols getting into trouble. Washington DC's Mayor Barry tried to do a "Tim Gaitner" on his taxes not paying for three years but got caught. Gaitner's similar case was apparently "above the law" so nothing happened to him.
When those in authority act to encourage lawlessness,they are NOT DOING the "encouraged" any favors. Many police departments around the country are being harassed by federal pressure to submit or be taken to court. Police department after department has been made to look guilty because they are avoiding costly trials they have no money to fight.
Ferguson,Missouri is just one of 21 U.S. police departments that the feds have investigated since 2009 over the past six years for chronic abuses like racial bias and excessive force. practices that have gotten those departments in trouble.
IRS’s John Koskinen states that he has a goal for taxpayers to have an online account at the IRS. Has this man seen enough reproach come down on the IRS without provoking innocent taxpayers with his nonsense? People with computer do not want to be bothered and those without computers do not want to PAY someone else to do it for them because of some white guy who wants revenge.
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